Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Haunted Trailer now up!

The trailer for Haunted is now available from its movie page:


Remember- the movie will be released on Hallowe'en!

Cheers, Hywel

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Haunted - Production Stills Now Available!

Hi All,

Haunted is very nearly done! Production stills are now available, the movie has its own web page on the site, trailer is coming in a week or so, and the movie will be added on Hallowe'en (31st October 2011).

Cheers, Hywel.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Slave Auction is done!!

Wheeee! It took an extra three long days at the computer and a couple of burnt DVDs to check out how it looked on TV to fine tune the rough cut, but I can finally declare Slave Auction to be done! There's one or two things could still do with polishing, but without shooting more footage, I think I'm happy with how it has come out.

Hooray! Just in time for a much deserved holiday, too. My poor Mac won't be getting a break though, it is hard at work number crunching to export the video and encode the MP4 and DVD versions. Should finish overnight, ready to upload tomorrow.

Here's a few extra frame grabs to whet your appetite...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Worth producing the DVDs?

Hi All,

Just taking a quick break from rendering the nearly-finished rough cut of Slave Auction (I need to do some work on the sound and shoot a few quick pickup shots of bidders at the auction, it is coming along nicely).

Anyway, I noticed that over 90% of the people who have bought Amelia's Sunday Spanking and Acquiesce have chosen the MP4 version over the DVD download. So... do you think it is worth us producing the films as DVD downloads? Or should we just produce the MP4 version?

Cheers, Hywel